Of course it is;
Finally got hold of PATi PATi March issue; and there was like, still quite alot on the shelves. Stupid counter lady made me worried for nothing; I must've called too early because she seemed really blur and said it was out of stock.
The photoshoot was darn nice~

And I got the album today as well!

Listening to it right now; so far I really like Orion, so maybe I shall upload it onto imeem.
From the DVD I realise that neither of them had straight teeth; especially Shinji. *gets shot* (except for mao, his kinda looked like he wore braces before)
Well the drawing above was done in MOC because me and Jo had nothing to do and went there to slack.
So that was today.
Holidays coming, homework piling, CCA grueling, projects accumulating and me, dying.
That sucks, doesn't it. D:
But I will not think about that for now because all that SID made me happy.
There's SIDNAD Vol. 2.
There goes my money again.
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