Okay, let's play some games today!
There's one thing that's out of place in this picture. Can you spot it? ;DDD

Your time starts..........
three (i thought it was too short a time so i spelled it out 8D)
dingding! Time's up~
Have you spotted it yet?
Okay, here's the answer.

If you haven't noticed, that pair of fantastic looking shoes are actually keychains.
Can you believe it? This pig can actually fit those shoes!
Okay, I think you must be like o____o????? right now.
To cut the long story short, after school I had nothing to do so I went cwp with sieyuan and huiling to have lunch and somehow we ended up going to action city and spazzing over stupid retarded stuff (especially the shrieking- or more like moaning chicken. OH YOU HAVE TO SEE THAT. it's hilarious, we laughed till our jaws/stomach/arms/legs ached) and then we came to minitoons and saw this shoe keychain thingy and tried fitting the plushies' feet to them.
We had a hard time finding a suitable owner for this lovely pair of white flats, but finally, after scouring high and low(okay not really, it was only on the shelf behind), we found it!
Oh the great, chosen one!
Shit, I'm being so damn lame.
But I have to do that because I have to do Amaths now which is so spirit dampening and I need to do something that will make me happier but I don't know why am I talking non stop without any punctuations though I'm not on suger high or anything but I realised that I just made a typo error cos I just typed sugar as suger and gosh that was stupid but you know what I did that on purpose to make you amused which I think you are right now aren't you?
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