round and round

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Whee, it's the second post of the day!


And I can't believe that I actually took the time to arrange the darn links.
But at least it looks much neater now, no? ^^

I felt rather nostalgic so I went about tagging ex-adps peeps' blogs with rather retarded formalities.
Ah wells, what could I say anyway.
Most of them were like; "Hi, nice to see you again. Bye."
Or something like that.

5 more days till the end of Secondary Two life.

Somehow people always take things for granted, and only to cherish it when it's about to disappear from us. In this case, our class' unity.
We talk and joke more together now, making full use of our time spending with each other, creating more enjoyable memories which we will take along for the rest of our lives.
People try to forgive and forget, enemies make peace, and friends make stronger bonds.
It's part and parcel of life, we have to move on, in a way or another.
I must say that I'm not very good with words, nor am I with expressing sentimental things.
So yeah, my friends, I wish you luck in your future endeavours. ^____^

Well, I know it's sorta late, but still I present you with my results.
I'm not exceptionally gifted, so naturally my grades aren't sky high or anything.
Just above average. Now let's see:

English- 72, A2
HCL- 71, A2
Maths- 63, B4
Comb. Science- 73, A2
History- 89, A1
Lit- 72, A2
Geog- 66, B3
Art- 81, A1
Home Ec- 76, A1
D&T- 61, B4

Average percentage out of 10 subjects: 72.4%
L1R5(estimated): 13. (I should just go poly instead.)

I'm still not very satisfied with some subjects though.
*sigh* Nevertheless, I must aim for Triple Science Class.


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