round and round

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Well, yeah, cheering comp.

It was... disappointing, as expected from 3M2 anyway. But I think we did all we could(for those who tried anyway), people weren't really co-operating, not much of enthusiasm, lack of practice, complacency. Cheering comp is the time to let ourselves out, not to keep maintaining that so-called 'cool' image of yours. I screamed and cheered as loudly as I could anyway.

I seriously don't know if I could even bond with the class in times to come.

I would like to, though. But it just seems like there are always invisible barriers between different groups of people, even if we do joke and talk to each other once in a while, we'll revert back to the same old cliques after school, we won't hang out together.

I find myself unable to like the class as it is. Sorry, but that's the truth.

People always say that class spirit shows in desperate times, but sadly it does not apply for our class. I'm not excluding myself in this, but I honestly feel we're all selfish. No one is willing to take that step out for the class.

I hope I'd be able to be the one, but right now I just have no confidence in the class that they'd follow. There's this fear inside me, a fear that tells me not to do it because some of the people might think I'm trying to act 'noble' or whatsoever and badmouth me behind my back, because I don't really have much authority in the class. I'm not in the position to do so.

People of 3M2 are paranoid people. They think everything anyone does out of goodwill actually harbours ulterior motives.

To think I actually thought that there'd be some hope for us.

I'm kinda giving up on the class right now, unless things turn out to be better in the future. I really envy the other classes, they seem to bond just right. Especially classes that had much better performances than ours this afternoon, like 3M1 or 3T2, just to name a few.

I really, really, really envy them. Very much. ;____;


On another note, all results are out.

I was rather disappointed with E maths and Bio, I had expected to get an A2.

All my results are like stupidly mediocre, I hate myself. D:

But what's done is done, so all I can do now is to work harder.

Ciao for now.


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