round and round

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

First day of school.


Well, the usual. New teachers, introduction, class arrangement etc etc.

Basically the administrative stuff.

But I still don't get HOW IN THE EFFING WORLD they split the streams into.
Seriously, triple + physics + life = might as well use 301, 302 etc etc.


The school must be majorly lacking funds for the upgrade that the teachers in charge of the classes are so stressed out that they went bonkers and didn't care about whichever or whoever they place in whatever class.

That's not the worst thing.

I can live with my class since the gang's all there.



Lower sec campus?!
Now that's seriously screwed, I tell you.

Why in the world should they deprive us Sec 3s of the long awaited chance of moving into the upper sec campus with all the big classrooms and more condusive environment plus better canteen? Why must we be stuck with the Sec 2s againnnnnnnnn.

Argh. Nexus campus, my foot.

Phew; okay I'm done ranting.

Some rather good news is that, we've got nice teachers most of the time, like Ms Alice Lim as our form and EL teacher. But it sucks that we're only released at 2.30pm.

That's seriously late.

Oh, and ADD MATHS homework on the first day of school.
Wonderful, really. =/


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