I don't know if it's me or the weather today is excruciatingly cold.
But I guess it's just me, since I'm feeling really horrible now.
Headache, sore throat, drowsiness, cold.
It's always around this time of the year when I get sick.
My biological clock is definitely weird, when I feel like getting sick, I don't. And when I feel perfectly fine, the damn virus attacks.
I really hope this time isn't like last year's, serious fever and I'm so sick to even eat anything.
My eyes are watering, and I can sense the flu coming.
Darn. I still have homework to do.
I seriously wouldn't want to miss school, since there might be loads of homework piled up if I'm absent for a day, especially maths.
And then there's the music course which I really don't want to miss, because I'll lag behind.
Die, zuowen, die.
Die, flu, die!
At least my throats getting a little better now.
Where's my H2O...
On a lighter note, SID's releasing their new album and it's up for pre-order!
Should I start saving for it?
I'll go HMV and ask first.
I absolutely LOVE their new image, all of them look darn good.
Well, as they always do.

01.証言 / Shougen / Testimony
02.夏恋 / Natsukoi / Summer Love
03.右手のスプーンと初恋とナイフ / Migite no SPOON to Hatsukoi to KNIFE / The spoon in my right hand, first love, and a knife (definitely to look out for)
04.蜜指~ミツユビ~ / Mitsuyubi~MITSUYUBI~ / Honey Fingers
05.誘感コレクション / Yuukan COLLECTION / Collection of Temptations
06.and boyfriend
08.マスカラ / MASCARA
10.Dear Tokyo
11.涙の温度 / Namida no Ondo / Temperature of Tears
A few singles in there, but otherwise its looking really great.
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