round and round

Saturday, January 05, 2008

I survived the week!

Though it wasn't very tough to begin with...

There's still homework, so, boo. D:

I'm feeling alright with 3m2, but not liking it yet.
In fact we have no.. so-called telepathy at all.

Morning assembly dismissal, we were the first class to be allowed to leave.
So the front people went front, and back people went back.
And then detour.

Nobody dared to move anymore, and we ended up as the last class to leave.

It's seriously dumb.

Well, moving on.
I'm still pretty much on the computer everyday, except I'll do my homework.
And I've already finished watching Deligaku, Nodame Cantabile, and Lovely Complex all within two weeks. Starting on Koutetsu Sangokushi now.

Sangokushi is basically an adaptation of Romance of Three Kingdoms.

But the way they chopped the characters... made me laugh.

Liu Bei became a PINK and CURLY haired bisexual child.
He looked seriously gay.
That must be how the Japanese interpret him as.
Sure, he's a good and kind ruler and all, but must you make him so gay?!
And Lu Xun became a young warrior, main character, basically.
Zhugeliang was made another shemale, but Sun Quan was worse.
You couldn't even believe that Sun Quan was actually a man; like hello, such feminine looks + female seiyuu with unmistakably female voice = woman.

But with that aside, the story is rather nice and got my attention.
Nice art, too.

After Sangokushi, I shall start on Gokusen II. =w=


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