okays; to wash out all the unhappiness I have decided to flood my blog with setomaru!
He's really adorable alright.

*stares at hair straightener/curler* wahaha. you don't know what he's gonna do next.
Okay now you might be wondering, just who in the world is this setomaru person?
He's Seto Kouji, the 3rd cast actor for Kikumaru Eiji in Prince of Tennis musical.
He has graduated from the role recently though.

Kikumaru style! :3
He looks a little like Koike Teppei at some angle/lighting/expression.

His phone is PURPLE?! o______o

But still cute nevertheless.
He looks especially cute in specs!
I'm just saying that because I have a fetish for cute guys in specs. *gets shot*
You'd agree with me, once you see him in specs.

He's a chio bu right. *sigh* So bishounen(meaning pretty boy) here.

"Who says geeky specs aren't cute?" xD
He looks cute in hats/caps too.

There; very much proved. xD
And his hair rocks.

I love the wonders of hair products.
lastly; doggies rock too! Especially these cute papillions. xD

I think I pretty much flooded the blog so you'll take some time to scroll down.
oh yes. I'm NOT going to edit my previous post, because I meant whatever I said and I'm willing to take responsibility for it.
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