I changed my blog song out of randomness.
Or perhaps Demi's voice is getting to me.It's been a kazillion years since I last posted. It's not because I was lazy okay! Definitely not, I tell you. Blame it on EOY; I've been a good studious kid who revises for the exams, because it's very important as it will affect our futures. *beams*
Okay, cutting the crap now.
Three out of 8 exams down. English compo killed me, SS almost killed me, HMT, however, did not kill me, surprisingly. Oh and I actually wrote bzbd for HMT essay, it's the first time I ever attempted that kind of question and actually wrote 4 pages on it. All hail Mr. Shen's notes, I guess, he just spammed us with it these few days. 8D
I'm prepared to be murdered by Chemistry; I just cannot get it into my head.
I'm rather annoyed at how teenagers are becoming nowadays. Ah Lians have somewhat upgraded, they've started to use proper English(oh my)! But they still can't hide the fact that they're ah lians. Research shows that a new species of Ah Lians have emerged, instead of being lovestruck and being deardear here darling there, they've now become narcassists(self-obsessed idiots) and try really hard to prove that they're not ah lians.
A few distinctive points about them(online):
1) Refer to themselves as a 3rd person.
2) Love to add "fantastic, the great etc." somewhere in their names.
3) Have loads of "girlfriends" to show that they're independent of the male species.
4) Praise themselves/their girlfriends endlessly.
5) Attempt to use proper English but still fail, anyway.
6) Talk about how they want to ace the exams, but you know they don't really care.
A few distincitve points about them(offline):
No difference from normal Ah Lians. :D
How to spot them in a group:
1) Type in an identical manner.
2) Have identical blog skins.
3) Play identical blog songs.
4) Post identical content.
5) Dress identically.
6) Look identical.
7) Talk in an identical manner.
Well, you get the point.
So why are they acting this way? I believe that all kids are good by nature, it's just peer pressure and such(crap). *begins bzbd format*
Well uh, teenagers are very easily influenced, they are at the stage where friends matter more than family(and basically everything else). Therefore, the more time they spend with their friends, the more influenced they will get. So parents, whip out what ever sort of religious thingum you have and pray hard that your kid lands in good company, otherwise they're done for.
Teenagers also like to follow trends, they think that being "in" is the most important thing in life. Not "in" = not cool = be ostracised = end of the world. So yes, that's basically the equation, and thus they will try everything to be part of the "in" group. Or they face the consequences(whatever it may be).
How will it affect them? What harm does it do, you ask? It does ALOT of harm, I tell you. The younger generation is our country's future, we will be relying on them. Without them, the country will fall. Therefore, if your kids become delinquents, the country's economy will suffer, because they will lose interest in studies and just end up being road sweepers or something, and there'll be no one to contribute to the society. *insert typical answer* On the up side, they make the country a cleaner place. :D
So what can we do to change this worrying situation? There's only one thing we CAN do.
Lock up your kid and brainwash him/her to be model citizens of the society!
Only by brainwashing and locking up can we prevent the children from being in contact with those bad, bad people who try to corrupt our poor, innocent children's mind.
So why hesitate, parents? Start now and save our society!
Sorry, I was just bored. :D
I think I'm going to get killed for writing all this, but this is the internet! What about free speech, people? Where is the freedommmmmmmm?
*gets shot*